Robin DR401 (Training Plane)

Notable for its flight characteristics, its power, and the fuel investment funds it offers, the DR401 Training plane is intended to give in the interest of flight schools and flying clubs.

Robin DR401 (Towing Plane)

Exceptionally well known on European coasting landing strips, our 180 tow plane is a reference with regards to productivity, versatility, and execution.

Robin DR401 (Travelling Plane)

Its advantageous gas tanks offer the 160 LR (for Long Range) higher independence than the vast majority of its rivals without downsizing its exhibitions.

Knots Aerospace

Robin DR401 (Skillful Plane)

Last conceived, our JET-A1 DR401 realizes how to coordinate with joy, effortlessness, solace, security … and quietness. Working reserve funds and regard of the climate are compelling and genuine.

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